Friday, July 27, 2012

Buttermilk Pie and an Amazing Woman

So, Buttermilk Pie. I had honestly never even heard of the stuff until about a year and a half ago. That's when my friend Teresa told me about it. This is her (on the left):

First, let me tell you about Teresa. You know how you have a favorite sister (I said you, not me), and a favorite aunt (again, you, not me), and a best girlfriend, and those times when you're so thankful your mom is around, even when you're a grown-up, and that elementary school teacher you'll always remember because you just felt comfortable around her, even when the rest of the world made you feel awkward?  All those women rolled into one beautiful package--that's Teresa. I was lucky enough over the course of a journey with one play to have Teresa on stage with me as my sister, my mother, my boyfriend, THE GODDESS. And next weekend I get to play her wife. In this. LUCKY ME. She is one of my favorite actors to watch and to be on stage with. And she is one of my very favorite people in the world. Passionate and smart and funny and hard-working and unbelievably talented. And, aside from my blood relations, she is the woman I look up to and respect more than any other. And I trust her. To give me good pie recipes. Like this one.

Buttermilk Pie *click here for printable version*
recipe courtesy Teresa Sanderson

1 stick butter (melted)
1-3/4 cup sugar
3 Tbls. flour
3 eggs (beaten)
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. cinnamon (or nutmeg, depending on tastes)
1/4 tsp salt

Whisk ingredients together and pour into a 9 inch pie crust (I prebaked my crust and was happy with how crispy it stayed, but you don’t have to). Bake at 350 for 45 to 50 minutes.

Serving suggestions: warm with vanilla ice cream, or chilled with your favorite berries.

Such a simple recipe. Such unassuming ingredients. And you would honestly be surprised at how sweet (but not overly) and creamy and completely delicious this is. She told me last night that it's her grandmother's recipe. Her grandmother who cooked for 25 ranch hands daily, and sometimes didn't have enough fruit for a pure fruit pie, so she made this and put fruit on top. Perfect.

One thing: when I cut into it, it wanted to leak. Like so:

Just the first piece. After that it seemed to, I don't know, reabsorb it's own liquid? Did I do something wrong Mama? It tasted good, does it look right?

Also, baby version (in the back with smashed raspberries on top:

Or, as certain tv characters call it, a cup-pie.

TGIP Rating--Buttermilk Pie--KEEPER. Now I know what to do with all my leftover buttermilk. Seems like I'm always buying a quart of buttermilk for a recipe that only requires 1/3 cup. Also, I think it might be good with sliced peaches on top. Will have to make it again to be sure.

Next up: I'm working on a production of Romeo and Juliet. I'm playing the Nurse, and in the unedited version of the script, the Nurse says that Juliet will be 14 "on Lammas Eve at night". Lammas is August 1, so Juliet's birthday is July 31! Cool thing to know, right!? And, even though she is a fictional character, I'm going to make her a birthday cake (well, probably cupcakes). Something lemony. Seems like what a 14-year old in Verona in summertime would want.

P.S. Reporting on hand pies: I made some cherry pies (bottom right in the picture above), but only got one bite, so I don't really know that I can report on how they tasted. More tries to come...

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